Sunday, February 14, 2021

Doom Musings: Russian Overkill's 10 Greatest Weapons

Quick! Think of a badass weapons mod that works great when you go up against slaughterfest levels! Did you say Russian Overkill first? Well guess what, that's what this musing is about. The gameplay mod that does not take itself seriously at all but makes weapons more than just ludicrously overpowered, but makes pretty much all of them interesting to some degree. This is something you can play on a casual megawad, or a super slaughter map (though good luck with some frame-dropping levels. With six weapons per slot plus three characters, and melee combo moves, can this get any better? It seems like the more you play it the better it really gets.

This post outlines my top ten favorite weapons in Russian Overkill, based on their overall fun to use as well as how well they work in the majority of situations. I'll also go ahead and say that I won't include the melee combo moves, since even though they're cool and all they won't be all that useful except in very specific situations. Furthermore, don't expect any inventory items to end up on the list either. This is solely based on the weapons.

10. Power Overwhelming

Pillowblaster changed the Power Overwhelming quite a lot for each release, ensuring that it won't be made redundant when compared to the other rapid-fire weapons that occupy slot 4. Initially, it was a ludicrous projectile chaingun. It had a healing thing to it for an alt-fire. But then you add "homing boolets" which are self-explanatory, and add this to their generally piercing projectile nature. And then there's this weird vending machine hook too! The Power Overwhelming would fall by the wayside for the Obliterator in earlier releases, but the newest one makes the Power Overwhelming seem much more unique, and that's why it becomes a solid choice in many scenarios.

9. Gopnik

The slot 6 weapon that looks like Shadow Warrior's missile launcher is a minelayer, so it's situational right? Well look at what mines you can use, let's see, a regular explosive mine, a fart mine, an electroshocking mine, hey that's pretty darn neat, and what the hell, a nuclear mine? With the right preknowledge, a large monster closet would be obliterated without having come out, though of course a nuclear mine is not something you want to even get near medium range with. With that said, there is also a Launch mode, where you shoot it like a rocket launcher instead of a mine layer. Ploom those nuclear mines.

8. Rasputin

The interesting thing about the Rasputin and Gopnik has to be how you switch their modes, having to press a directional/strafe key with the alt-fire simultaneously. Makes them a bit harder to use but it's so worth it. With the Rasputin this thing seems like an ordinary mortar shooter until you check out the modes. The poison rains down disgusting goo on a certain area, great as a nasty trap, while the freezer shoots horizontal streams and is one of the only means of freezing enemies (the other is using one of Yuri's combo uppercuts). But the fire is the best, as these things home in on the best opponent they can find. Perfect for pain elementals since the lost souls won't survive the fire either.

7. Schwarzer Zwerg

This was often my old standby weapon whenever I find it in Russian Overkill as it just works great in almost every situation. A super shotgun that shoots at a chaingun's pace, with excellent horizontal spread, it's great for those non-slaughter portions. Of course so is everything else. Allocating extra shells to make a large blast can fell a cyberdemon with ease. Interestingly enough, I would put the Pantokrator in this thing's place, as it's much more powerful as a shell weapon, but the Pantokrator eats up ammo much quicker, and Schwarzer is great for conservation.

6. Shurricane

It will probably take a while to realize the potential of this explosive shuriken launcher, but for those that still can't figure it out, this thing's gimmick is that whatever direction you're facing, the shurikens go. A player-guided multi-missile launcher if you will. Of course, that imp stripper to turn monsters against themselves cannot be ignored either, and ever since the Pickle grenade was taken off of the inventory roster (and I loved that thing, so funny and brutal to use in any room) they gave the reload button for this thing the ability to shoot one.

5. Instafuneral

A bastardized version of Shadow Warrior's railgun, but with three barrels, yeah, this thing shoots nice but probably isn't that good. That is, until you realize these piercing shots can kill anything super quickly and in only a second you'll clear an ENTIRE monster closet with this thing. Cyberdemons go down in seconds on most difficulties, everything else that's usually horded together also won't survive. The alt-fire is a little disappointing but it's pretty situational for gauntlet-like areas. The alt-fire used to be firing all barrels at once though, so it is a slight improvement.

4. Deathhead

The Deathhead is a classic Russian Overkill slot 8 weapon. Primary fire shoots a cluster of missiles, and believe it or not, these are homing. They're not nuclear missiles, but they're much more deadlier than the slot 6 rocket launchers. But most people remember this thing for the remote guided nuclear alt-fire. The power of the nuke will naturally stretch for miles, but when it comes to those large hordes that you know are just gonna be around the corner, or if you wanna play sneaky with them, dispatch the nuke and they won't know what hit them. I also don't know if people know this, but it is possible to remote-detonate the nuke too by pressing alt-fire. In any case, this classic slot 8 weapon remains a badass explosive puncher.

3. Antonov

This multipurpose slot 4 weapon takes cues from the weapon it replaced, the Libra. It's a projectile weapon, although much slower, but it also can smelt casings into a healing module for emergencies, and also the shield wall is still in effect. Such cool effects! Though I gotta say, the Antonov's primary fire is actually where this weapon really is at. Sure, it's slower than what it replaced, and the initial shot is surprisingly short ranged, but the burst projectiles start homing in on things and explode on contact too. This gun basically became my standby whenever I needed it as a result, perfect for almost every occasion I can think of.

2. Borsch

I'd just like to point out, the Ramjet is an honorable mention. Yes, for those that don't already know, the remote-controlled sniper rifle is a sneaky camper's wet dream of a weapon, but it's practically useless in the heat of a fierce battle, which is why it doesn't make the list. That being said, the other dark matter weapon, the Borsch, is yet another gun that's completely worth the price of admission. Primary fire is once again where it's at, a snaking projectile that homes in and sucks monsters to be devoured. Poor cyberdemons won't be able to evade it. Alt-fire of course creates a black hole bomb of sorts that does more or less the same thing as it sucks enemies in but has a dangerous blast radius. Have fun!

1. Yamato

It's true that a lot of the weapons here can trivialize the majority of maps. You can nuke things with the nuke weapons and prevent much of the combat. The aforementioned Ramjet can kill everything before you set foot in a map. The Instafuneral pierces through basically everything while the Antonov's bursts home in on any enemy they can find. So why the Yamato at the top? It's not because of it's nuclear alt-fire (heck the alt-fire used to be the primary fire, making it a rather useless gun in most non-slaughter situations until the new updates), but rather the primary fire yet again. The shots from this things aren't piercing, but you fire so many that it won't matter since everything gets blown away anyways. That combined with the projectiles being homing! Anything forward or behind you is toast, basically. And if you're fully stuck on a level or don't like it anymore or don't want to get into a death exit to lose your weapons, that "quantum jump" thing will spoil it for you. It's that great of a weapon, which is why it's at the #1 spot.

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