Saturday, October 12, 2019

Terrible RPG Dungeons: Part 7

Oh of course, you didn't really expect there to be a shortage of these, right?

Sylx Tower/Forbidden Land Eureka/World of Darkness - Final Fantasy III

Nothing quite describes ending fatigue as much as this set of dungeons, particularly in this game's original Famicom release. These are the last few dungeons in the game, but you'll be dealing with not only their longevity, but the complete lack of savepoints. Luckily Forbidden Land Eureka is optional, and near the Sylx Tower entrance, but you might as well make an attempt to tackle it, because it has the best jobs and shops. But to get through the tower and the World of Darkness without a single point of saving is an issue, and then there's the rule of four with taking out bosses once you reach the World of Darkness. Lots of items and magic points are needed as well as lots of time.

The final lairs - Secret of the Stars

The above dungeon is bad enough for ending fatigue, but Secret of the Stars' endgame is downright insulting for an already bad game. It's cool, we go to a familiar location to beat the bad guy. Hey, remember those Kustera guys you may or may not be using? Hope they are up to snuff! We've got resurrected generals to kill again! It involves going through mazes and having both parties solve them! Why did they barely do this before the endgame I wonder? Each of these mazes is a slog with numerous encounters before the boss. Then you take the spiral of random encounters to the bad guy, oh wait he's not beatable yet cause it's an illusion! Time to backtrack to find the secret power to get past the illusion, and then...oh boy...GO ALL THE WAY DOWN THE SPIRAL AGAIN! Outright nauseous, and one of the worst things about this entire game.

Victory Road - Pokemon games

Why? Why would we need yet another cave area just to get to the league? There's next to nothing interesting in terms of Pokemon to catch, yet the twisting and turning Victory Roads of the series pull in the encounter rate with numerous high-level trainers as well as segments requiring the use of HMs. And yes, the requirement of HMs is more than enough to make me hate this crap. It's a blessing there's a free heal at the league at least. My biggest problem is it tries to be a "last challenge before the finish line" yet no one really wants this kind of thing in the first place.

Space Fortress - Robotrek

Prison floors, difficult random encounters, fatiguing bosses, generally long length with loads of backtracking, an easy case of ending fatigue right here. At least in the grand scope of the game this final dungeon isn't entirely memorable, but like every other final dungeon I just want it to end already.

Doraat - Suikoden V

Alright finally something that isn't ending fatigue, which luckily this game does well. You might wonder what this is doing here especially since it's a town anyways. Well, having been familiar with the first few Suikoden games having dungeons that are essentially one-time only (Toran Lake Fortress, North Window) I would imagine that the treasures in Doraat when you first infiltrate it would be gone. They still stay after liberation, but I never knew that at first. But the town layout has an outer wall that is laid out in a stupidly unorthodox way with chests well out of the way, then there's the street fork where the side paths are unusually long. All this compounded by the random encounters being Godwin soldiers, enemies that are always easy but the game will actually not let you run from them (it just flat out doesn't give you the option to).

Up next, dunno.

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