Wednesday, July 11, 2018

A look back at: Dragon Quest II

Oh god why did I do this.

For the fourth time in a row, I played a really hard RPG. Can you actually believe that despite adding more enemies and three party members they somehow made the game harder? Well they did. Still, it's not entirely what I would say is balanced. I guess it makes sense to have one character without magic ability in the hero, then the prince and princess are better suited for those roles while still being competent fighters (well, the prince is anyways). Awkward that they are all cousins, even moreso when the Princess was turned into an actual dog.

So yeah, this game is considerably harder somehow. What is it with second games in a series and being hard all the time. Speed seems to be completely randomized as are some monster stats, which really pisses me off. I also really hate how it's possible that enemies can take no damage from magic attacks. They don't even make an excuse for it evading a magic attack like The 7th Saga did. And then let's not get into the group-attack things like the Sleep spell, or the dreaded Sacrifice that those Gold Batboons or whatever they're called can actually open up the battle with.* And then, oh of course, the grinding still returns. I tried to enjoy what I can out of this game's improvements over its predecessor, but then I remembered where I was and actually enjoyed the game much less.

Well it does improve somewhat on the plot. I already mentioned the two companions already, and although it's been miniaturized, I can accept the fanservice-like return of Alefgard. Also I can admire the fact that the Dragonlord's grandson is a decent fellow and not some moron who wants to avenge his granddad. Hargon and his ultimate form Malroth are really nothing. Well, let's hope that me playing the GBC version of Dragon Quest III isn't gonna make me turn my head all over the place.

*This spell has a 100% of instakilling targets at the cost of the caster's life. The fact that an enemy can cast this causing a total party kill is NOT fun. Yeah, so these are endgame enemies, and you do respawn close to that area, but grinding is a real pain because of them.

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