Friday, January 31, 2025

A look back at: Last Bible II

Sorry if this one took longer than expected! Or not. I really could care less about this one. Last Bible II thankfully was playable fully with English translation with the occasional swear word, but even discounting all of that what you get is basically Last Bible I (for those who forgot, Revelations: The Demon Slayer) but with newer characters, plot, and music. The gameplay is almost totally the same, the only super duper difference that I could find was the usage of eggs, where you have one get beaten in combat to make a good monster hatch. Otherwise, you're better off figuring out how to recruit and how to fuse monsters, or just get the super ones from bones like the Dragon or Kirin or so. Those still work.

Sequel games are always weird to play. This one is one of those "thousands of years later" sequels, but it still has a weird plot where everyone who is playable is connected in some weird way that almost rivals that of how the characters in FF8 were all familiar with each other. Here, the main ones are basically going "we fought together at one point thousands of years ago but lost and everyone died" and now they're reincarnated somehow in this case. Also the main character himself happens to be the resurrection of a beast king, and appropriately a corrupt human king and his more corrupt advisor try to kill you. Using demons. Which ends up in demons killing them. Because of course evil humans don't know how to control evil demons properly. There was zero character development in the first game, but here, we get a little bit more. Yuri is still a silent protagonist like El, but the other characters are more talkative, the rambunctious Safia has her reasons for being who she is, while the more concerning Krau and Ganzu have their reasons for being who they are, and then there's Esau who's clearly trying to go somewhere important. Gotta love how everyone gets the Force. Okay, not THAT Force, but whatever.

Bottom line is, this wasn't that good of a sequel game. Almost nothing new gameplay wise, it's not gonna appeal to anyone who just wasn't a fan of the previous game, and considering how many of this type of turn-based RPG I've done so far, I can relate to it not being as good.

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