Sunday, August 25, 2024

A look back at: Brain Lord

Hey look, Google finally fixed image uploads, yeah. I still hate them for that. Anyways, this game didn't take me a week to beat. However, it's been somewhat of a while since I last made a lookback, so let's blame ALTTP Randomizer. I was having just too much fun with that game so much that I played other stuff simultaneously with it, including some Doom stuff as well as eventually this game, which I got to once I was finished documenting some more map secrets.

So yeah, this didn't last long, which I am quite thankful for as I wasn't really feeling like playing a long game at the moment, but they really didn't call it Brain Lord for nothing. You will have puzzles, the game has special rooms that require a ton of knowledge on how to push certain objects to fit for certain switches, or do other stuff outside the box. Other than that, the game's combat is super wonky, enemies are actually not too concerning considering how dumb their AI is, and how you have multiple tools at your disposal. I mean, the sword range is great, the ranged weapons have infinite ammo, the magic spells are just a charge without any MP consumption, and the morning stars were fun to use. Plus, the jades helped out in battles a lot, though ultimately I didn't rely on them, which mind you is a GREAT THING. You don't really need them, but they make things easier for combat. You can grind them to good levels so they are of more help, but again, not really necessary. I appreciate it when helpful game mechanics aren't required, after all.

Overall though, the difficulty is all about the puzzle-solving, as well as figuring out where you need to go. Five dungeons, and yet they are all memorable. The Tower of Light sets the stage, it's huge to go through but has basic puzzles. The ancient civilization and its tech spice things up a lot, as it's even bigger and has more things to it like dark rooms and floating platforms. The ice palace, well I don't need to go into detail with those ice floors, but I will say the game trolls you with poisonous springs and even poison signs. The Droog volcano is my least favorite owing entirely to those rock mazes that shift and really don't have a good pattern to how they work at all. And the Platinum Shrine is appropriate for a final dungeon, backtracking to make things longer, crazy statues that attack, but those damn dark rooms (which the light jade can't even illuminate) end up being the biggest trial and error show with where the walls are. I won't forget these.

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