Wednesday, March 27, 2024

A look back at: Pokemon Polka Aqua 2

Two years ago I reviewed Polka Aqua 1, and now, it's sequel. More sitcom/movie characters, same setting, but different ways of making it through. Tons of modifications to existing Pokemon, many new moves, changes to stats, possibly some changes to types, and Pokemon up to Gen-8. The author even had the gall to include every single legendary up to this point, including the Isle of Armor ones. And of course, lots of Lv100 full team competitive trainers, which is the difficult part, while the gameplay makes itself SEEM easy because you can easily get many decent items in PokeMarts at relatively cheap prices at every PokeMart. Base stat totals are all over the place, making Pokemon like Altaria, Azumarill, and Blissey more viable than some legendaries (it's so unorthodox for BSTs that Salamence for example is basically a joke now). Surely enough, I like having this much to do.

Back in Polka Aqua, my team had five Pokemon in it that I actually decided to also have for this rom hack, just because I liked using them then. Those were Empoleon, Delphox, Swampert, Altaria, and Chesnaught. I also had spiky-eared Pichu in the first Polka Aqua, however for this game, I decided my Electric type was gonna be Luxray, which, oddly enough, was my starter for this game (you can choose between Shinx, Sandshrew, and Spheal here). So other than that change, and the fact that my Altaria this time was shiny (it was a fixed-encounter Swablu in Portland, and I think fixed encounters have better shiny odds), my team was the same.

You know what, speaking of shinies, I'm actually gonna criticize this bit, because some shiny colorations, I'm personally not the biggest fan of. I liked green Beartic to be frank, so why the change to it? And navy blue Blissey is super weird. A lot of blue shinies that are really weird, Raikou and Entei, and even Groudon and Gallade are kinda awkward to see. Also having to keep the Pokemon at the number 386 was a harsh decision when subtracting Pokemon overall, that and the methods to getting Volcanion and Meloetta (which would take the most work overall) were still around. Oh, and I wasn't able to fill the Pokedex here cause I for some reason could not find Carbink. So this is still in to do overall.

I've finished a full walkthrough of this and will put it up eventually on this post. With that said I will announce that I will not be working on any future walkthroughs for Pokemon ROM hacks. The reason being is that I will actually get to modifying my other Pokemon ROM hacks, starting with my Victory Fire walkthrough. That was the first one I ever did, and all things considered, since the author of that hack has updated things extensively, I figured I'm going to redo my Victory Fire walkthrough. Following that, I will help out Allen Ceedos with changes to Pokemon Resolute (if they show up) and perhaps even go back to my Snakewood walkthrough considering a (unofficial) new release was on PokeCommunity. So that's what's going on with ROM hacks right now.

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