Sunday, December 31, 2023

Blog Timeline 2023

Remember when I said that I hated 2022? Well, you can probably imagine how this post starts. I hated 2023. And I'll just say it now since I can immediately guarantee a prediction, if I live long enough to say it, but, I hated 2024. And it is only a day before it starts. But it's gonna happen. I'm still surprised a bomb hasn't blown up my area yet, and I don't want one. Nobody does. We don't want to be civilian casualties given the number of conflicts that either started or escalated in 2023. But people in power are nerds who somehow have everything while civilians get nothing. At least I keep my current work position, even if I'm working myself to death this time around, but it felt like I went nowhere. Nobody wants to hire anymore, and it seems that bigwigs in our public and government sectors want it that way. Keep us dumb and desperate. Somebody is going to burst and actually harm them.

Blog: This is the same as before. I only really do something after I finish a game. Or making a post like this. There's not much to write about!

Doomwiki: Arguably what I spent a lot of time on. Yes, even when all secret descriptions are already done whenever a new custom level pack has a page added I'm already on it. Frankly I could care less, I'm just providing a template for when someone decides to expand on it. That's how I see the Doomwiki and I like it that way. I may get more involved with getting descriptions for other custom content in the future though.

Music: More or less the same as last time. There's plenty of great stuff that I remember listening when I flummoxed around on Pandora during college days that I added to my library, and as for new stuff? Got plenty of awesomesauce. Periphery V, Sevendust's Truth Killer, Metallica's 72 Seasons, In Flames' Foregone, Staind's Confessions of the Fallen (I actually saw a concert, my first one!), Unprocessed's ...And Everything in Between, Veil of Maya's [M]other, Taproot's SC\SSRS, Tesseract's War of Being, all are amazing. But my personal favorite this year is Invent Animate's Heavener. This is how you make metalcore utterly beautiful, and it was one of the first releases of the year too. But it's outright unforgettable. We'll see a lot of good tracks from other metal artists soon.

What I've been watching: Nothing much aside from movie reruns and all that. Lame. Okay, I did finish Delicious Party PreCure, but I of course wait until the next season is finished (of course avoiding spoilers) before I start with the next one. DelPa is actually a good season by the way, though I wish the food theme wasn't used all that much. I'll start watching more immediately next year, but the good news is I have at least two seasons to see. Well, that's it.

ROM Hacks: Ten were done this year. That's great. First was Red Fire, meant to be a kaizo Fire Red but not as famous as Emerald Kaizo, then Ephemerald, spicing up a regular Emerald game with variants, then Kalos Crystal, which brings Gen-5 and Gen-6 to a Gen-2 engine. Next was Voda Red, an extreme mess that I hated, then Green Chapter, finally finishing the non-Red manga chapters. Next were two broken hacks, Hyetology and Sky Twilight, the latter is better until the end. Touhoumon Cirno followed, which was playing through Hoenn but with Touhou characters, cute. Next were Kanlara Ultimate and Azure Horizons, both stellar achievements and I used Allen's guides and even helped with new differences for the latter one. I also heavily updated my Pokemon Nameless guides (which I dissected into multiple ones), for the new updates, and damn does that storyline keep getting more interesting. Just glad to be doing what I can. My current playthrough in a ROM hack right now is Polka Aqua 2, and I am creating a guide for it, but it's on a hiatus since I wanted to focus on this next thing more...

RPGs: Got 13 done this year. Overall, this year was more productive in my gaming exploits, and there are moments when I do this while in school which is risky. Anyways, I finished up four Might & Magic chapters, the four Digimon World games (which took up all my summer), Makai Kingdom (quite fun like most other Nippon Ichi games), Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (long but worth it, loads of fun aside from the STUPID JUDGE SYSTEM!), and Tales of Destiny 2 (the real deal, had to go on Youtube for translating the dialogue, shame this was never released outside Japan!). Right now, I'm on the Arc the Lad franchise, having finished the second game which was quite long but already going quite well into the third one. Some games are on my bucket list, the remaining Arc the Lad games, Tales of Symphonia, and I'm hoping to do some games with Digital Devil Saga/Shin Megami Tensei/Persona or some crap like that. Got a lot to go through.

Platformers: Oddly only three, but the only reason I reviewed them is because I'm also rummaging through a 700-in-1 set that I felt the need to. The platformers I found were Spelunker (not related to Spelunky), Nuts & Milk, and Ninja Jajamaru-Kun, all arcade games of some kind. Don't think doing platformer games is going to be a trend in the future.

Overall, 2023 may be a year I hate because of events, but at least I was much more productive with my gaming, as risky as it's getting. I want to survive through these things and I'm gonna. I promise.

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