Monday, February 6, 2023

A look back at: Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor

Still going on that Might and Magic streak, yes, I will play other games as I play this, because if I'm going through a franchise like this all in one sitting, I'd get bored quickly. You gotta jump between franchises man, otherwise stuff will wear thin.

Anyways, the seventh iteration of Might and Magic proves to not be too different than the sixth. Or does it really? Frankly the core gameplay elements all remain, they just decided to bring back the other races aside from humans and add some new classes. And they then got the nerve to get inspired from FF8/FF9. Okay I kid, but seriously, an addicting card minigame was given into this one. This took a while to get used to though, so it really reminded me a lot of Triple Triad except probably harder. Well, that's kind of the deal with the Might and Magic series. Though easier than older iterations, M&M7 still has its many moments.

But I think we can agree that with all these branching points and the fact that I nowadays like to play a game all the way through only once, it gets to that point where half of my review is just me watching Youtube videos on the alternative paths to take while I take what I presume to be the canon path. And part of me keeps thinking that the non-canon paths could have been canon cause they are sometimes more interesting. I took the evil path, which proved to be quite fun. Didn't really understand what was up with the eight heroes and the fact that they all split themselves up into the good 4 and evil 4 and you had to pick a side. And them being advisors for other races, in the middle of you cleaning out your castle and realizing you've got some diplomacy placed onto your hands. Loved some of the ideas in the plot a lot more than the sixth game overall though, and I think the game is enjoyable regardless of the path you take. Still got that customization, still got the difficulty.

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