Wednesday, August 3, 2022

A look back at: Pokemon Adventure Gold Chapter

Walkthrough consolidated with Pokemon Adventure Blue and Yellow chapters here.

Once again, just a beta of something that I wanted to cover simply because the Red chapter ended up being the only one to have substantial length of any kind and I wanted to check out the substories. There's once again not too much to Gold's chapter like Blue's and Yellow's, you just play as Gold during his own manga stories, unable to actually catch Pokemon since you can't buy Poke Balls or other items and you can only participate in battles and heal. It's also kinda funny how I have finished two Johto-centric rom hacks in one week.

There's only so much that can be done with regards to accuracy to the manga, not all of it can be creative, and looking at the summary of the manga on Bulbapedia was basically all I could do to understand stuff for Gold's journey. The hack apparently takes after the alternate translation, which is why the youngster who's with Gold is named Grant instead of Joey. Elm was also more viciously attacked by Silver in this manga too, of course the manga has so many dark elements compared to the anime stuff. If anyone's interested to know what Pokemon to use, it's just a Cyndaquil (from the lab), and Aipom (the actual starter). According to the manga, Gold has a ton of other Pokemon (Poliwag is mentioned, and there's a sidequest to look for it but you're not gonna get Poliwag in this game sadly) but they aren't used. And of course Silver will have the Totodile, which will evolve (yet my Cyndaquil can't thanks to the FR/LG evolution system not allowing non-Kantonian mons to evolve!).

So yeah, Adventure Gold Chapter is another beta that certainly shows a ton of promise, but will likely never get back to the drawing board due to whatever reasons there are. Sometime soon I may check out Green chapter, which will round up the non-Red chapters for good.

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