Tuesday, June 28, 2022

A look back at: Pokemon Dark Crystal

Walkthrough here.

It's only been three days, but I'm done with another ROM hack, this time an unfinished beta. One thing to note is that there's just a ton of unfinished ROM hacks out there, and many have a ton of stuff advertised, yet not fully implemented. This one, well, it's a bit like an unfinished version of Gaia, which was mostly finished in that case. Dark Crystal features mons, moves, abilities, and mechanics up to Gen-6 for an Emerald hack, yet not everything is totally complete (the repel system is supposed to be the Gen-5 repel system for instance, but isn't included as of yet).

Nevertheless, this one certainly caught my eye with what it offered. And the beta shows just enough for me to see this is as something that if ever finished, is sure to be a lot of fun to play. Chaos Rush, the author of Dark Violet which I did my previous walkthrough on, had a hand with the sprites, and several other major names in the community also had some of their stuff implemented here and there. The beta goes past the first badge and ends at a cave after it, but there was enough to last me a few days of playing this hack and get as much info on it. The mission system is probably the biggest thing of note, it's somewhat similar to Dark Cry: The Legend of Giratina's, except all the missions are done from a specific board and not from NPCs. Though I guess if there's one thing to change, is it really necessary that after accepting the mission, you gotta find the person giving the mission to actually start it? Still, the rewards here are interesting, more than just money because you can get certain items and it's possible to repeat these missions.

So yes, Dark Crystal is intriguing, but naturally is going to have room for improvement. This hack by the way has nothing to do with the original Crystal.

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