Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Doom Musings: Soundtrack rankings: Plutonia MIDI Pack

As usual, I got damn near nothing worthwhile to muse about with Doom. Actually, I haven't really bothered playing any new Doom WADs lately anyways, as I'm focused on my career at the very moment. Oh well, I do got time to rank Plutonia's soundtrack. Or so it seems. Obviously, Plutonia's soundtrack just uses the Doom I and II music, which means that I already ranked them. So this time, I'll take a look at Plutonia's MIDI Pack, which I often played in place of the original soundtrack and in other Plutonia-like levelsets. Yep, 35 tracks will be ranked this time! But I won't actually rank any of the unused music, so sorry if you wanted to see what I say about every single track.

35. A Path Beyond (title music)

And as always, the title music is the one at the last owing to its short length and not being as memorable as everything else in the pack. The instrumentation is good and spooky but of course it doesn't go further than that.

34. Endless Suffer (text screen music)

It sounds aquatic, or that it would probably fit in Descent or something. Very interesting instrumentation, but little mileage due to it being the text screen music. Not much to really say.

33. Plunge Saw (MAP32)

I've actually already been familiar with several Nobody Told Me About Id remixes, so this one doesn't really get me all that much. Though it does at least try to spice things up with a few guitar licks that try to remind you of other tracks, like the Doom II intermission riff as well as They're Going to Get You. As a reminder, none of these tracks are bad, I just like the other tracks much better!


This track is a huge outlier to almost everything else on this pack. It's got a groovy beat that does befit its intended level (Bunker), but frankly it's more goofier than it should be. And in a pack with more Doomish-sounding tracks, it's basically the Between Levels of the whole pack.

31. Plug Ugly (MAP23)

Yet another track that feels like an outlier, but at least has the rocking guitars that remind me of Doom I's soundtrack. That and it's inspired by a Genesis tune, which even further proves that it's that much of an outlier. The only real issue is that I don't think it works well for its intended level Tombstone. I feel as though this level warranted a much more exploratory-sounding track due to the level's overall size. 

30. Infimum (MAP27)

Ribbiks only contributed one track, and it does okay. But nowhere near as quirky awesome as Ribbiks' other music elsewhere. Creepy-sounding works well with Anti-Christ better than I Sawed the Demons, but did it have to have the melody from They're Going to Get You in it too?

29. Intersection (intermission)

It does good in a number of ways. It's forboding, it's foreshadowing, it's wonderfully eerie. Of course, it's intermission music, but it feels like it works anywhere.

28. Claustrophobia (MAP04)

A rather gritty track for the rather gritty Caged level, fitting for the underground-esque metal scenery. The title even fits too. But I kinda got bored of this one quicker than expected.

27. Plugged In (MAP14)

Peculiar, which I guess fits in with the map it's intended for. A simple melody with the drums guiding everything along. Catchy and does what it needs to, just as simple as that.

26. Plusfort (MAP06)

A song that's a bit all over the place and probably not really well-done for its mapslot. Heavy on the rock sound for a hub level with specific scenarios, it definitely sounds right when up against the cyberdemon on the map, but probably not as good elsewhere. Still, get your groove on.

25. Massacre Machine (MAP17)

Yet another track that sounds all over the place, heavy on the rock for a level that in hindsight isn't as action-oriented as it should (the one Plutonia map without revenants). Certainly fun for a slaughter level though, I mean just look at the title of this track!

24. Plutocrat (MAP09)

Damn, talk about a funky beat for this track. Very disco-y and seems out of place especially given the organ makes it sound like I'm getting rick-rolled (no, seriously). But it's still a fun one. I feel like Massacre Machine and this track should have swapped level slots though.

23. Contemplate (MAP25)

Creepy, and appropriate as a continuation from Pluvious (which is from the previous level). The opera-sounding parts of this MIDI and others are heavily used in this MIDI pack, and I appreciate their usage. But I sort of find this one forgettable.

22. Sepulchral (MAP05)

This track got its inspiration straight from Sepultura, going by the name. Specifically the song Ratamahatta. What's odd is that I can see a connection between this song and the main melody David Shaw's Interphaze, which was coincidentally used in the Memento Mori II level called Ratamahatta. Maybe I just look into things too much. In any case, this is an intense and urgent track befitting of the first spiderdemon encounter in Plutonia.

21. Death Mask (MAP01)

Very humble way to start off Plutonia with the MIDI pack, feels quite peaceful. Oddly enough, other peaceful-sounding tracks outrank it though. Still, being the first track means it will be memorable.

20. Always Watching (MAP11)

Which do you prefer? Sweet Little Dead Bunny? With it's peaceful-turning-creepy sound for when you run around in the arch-vile maze level? Or this one? Which is already starting out creepy but gives the synth knowing the urgency of when to expect an arch-vile around that next corner? Man, this one rocks.

19. Ascension of Satan (MAP21)

An orchestra-driven way to start off Slayer, which already was interesting enough with Doom II's text screen music doing sort of that same thing there. It just builds up more and more, but what's most interesting is that it actually does have an ending to it. Of course, that means looping the song is a bit weirder.

18. Seasons of Insanity (MAP07)

Inspired by the Russell Allen track of the same name, this one is made for the action-packed MAP07 here. The instrumentation does make me wanna play Scythe or Scythe 2's levels that have Symphony X music in them too. I love how it slows down at times though.

17. Plurry (MAP30)

Creepy chimes, fitting for the final level just like Opening to Hell provided the creepy ambient sounds to showcase the Icon of Sin there. It sort of loses out to Opening to Hell though, but that might be cause the level has a few more monsters to tackle in comparison to Icon of Sin.

16. Blood Rush (MAP12)

The ultimate of all over the place music for the MIDI pack, just flat out rushes in with the crazy solo before going on to the main melody. And it's on a level called Speed too, so it works! This track would later be used for a slaughterfest level in 50 Shades of Gray. I also detect a bit of Quad Machine in one part of the melody as well. Fitting for slaughter/boss levels.

15. Plummeting (MAP15)

The cousin of Blood Rush, in my opinion, heavily action-packed, almost as if it would fit the Symphony X midis in the Scythes or even JRPG boss battle music. And it does things even better than Blood Rush did! Maybe it's the orchestra bits that Blood Rush lacked. Maybe it's just my opinion, man.

14. Trigger (MAP02)

Simple melody using the guitar instrumentation from Into Sandy's City, then going into a newer, more atmospheric mood. It does its job well, a track befitting of Plutonia in any regard.

13. The Scarlet Citadel (MAP29)

Let the adrenaline rush you through as you journey through the city known as Odyssey of Noises. This track feels like a proper victory lap, and appropriately so. Works well when exploring the city, works well when battling the cyberdemon on the rock. Works just about anywhere in the map. Definitely got the Doom feel all over it.

12. Death's Toll (MAP20)

THOSE BELLS MAN. No seriously, this track definitely shines cause of the bells. Interesting that this gets used in Resurgence MAP26 too. At the early moments it can get a bit boring, but you'll love the track when the bells come in. stewboy knows how to impress people with his tracks.

11. Tower of Fire (MAP08)

Very well done track for the appropriate dungeon-crawling feel of the level known as Realm (though, ironically, the level has no fire, but a ton of water). It's somber, gentle, humble, but so is the level itself in a way, and it all fits so well. It works better as Resurgence MAP01's track, which actually started in a Hellish area though.

10. Untitled (MAP13)

Damn you Mr. Freeze, put a title on it! In any case, this has a unique riff compared to all the other tracks and feels like a Doom-sounding slow-rock song, and it got me sold! Plenty of variation of the main riff, as if Freeze got a bit more inspiration from Tom Mustaine, perhaps. Meh, I'm speculating there.

9. Pluvious (MAP24)

Remember that I mentioned the opera-sounding bits earlier? This song is almost entirely this, but the melody does it lots of justice. Then the organ comes in and makes it sound much, much better. It's neat and fits the level its on. A befitting MIDI for this entire pack.

8. Denied (MAP10)

Doomkid's only contribution is the grittiest and grungiest track of the whole pack. Foreboding drum licks, creepy instrumentation creeping it before backing off. Then the grungy riffs start up. It's bloody delicious, making for one of the most memorable tracks in the whole set.

7. Dead Plumber's Song (MAP28)

This is perhaps the one track that fits its intended level to a tee. For a track on the level called The Sewers, it's going to be wet-sounding in a lot of places, and the claustrophobic nature of The Sewers is complemented well in the overall instrumentation. The track feels like a Descent track, but who cares? The Sewers felt like a Descent level! Oh, now I'm talking Descent on a Doom Musing, look at me.

6. Jade Empire (MAP03)

stewboy's first track in the MIDI pack is the better of his two. It feels wonderful, with proper piano accompaniment, and then the flute picks up. It feels great on a beach, but who says it wouldn't fit in a Plutonia level? Especially since it definitely sounds like it works for a level called Aztec, which supposedly is supposed to represent an Aztec-sort-of setting?

5. Run 'Em, Gun 'Em, Kill 'Em (MAP16)

Badass riff. Just, badass riff. Sure, it's inspired by yet another actual band song, but it does what it does well, give a good riff with a few variations, and making it sound like it would a true Doom song. Heck, this wouldn't be out of place at all if you put it in the original Doom. I love. Definitely had to put this in the Top 5.

4. Cry of Desperation (MAP31)

A super peaceful-sounding track here. It's up to you if it fits Cyberden. To me it does. There's not too much action in Cyberden, so it works well here. But it definitely would also work well for levels that aren't filled to the brim with encounters, owing to absolutely excellent instrumentation that befits aspects of atmospheric levels. 

3. Fire Hive (MAP18)

The chime-sounding opening followed by the synth, plus the ever-present drums, make this one of Plutonia MIDI pack's most formidable tracks. I feel like it could work in every level in Plutonia. The melody avoids conventions to sound unique, which is of course a high mark. And that's considering it takes inspiration from a Knife Party song of the same name.

2. Lost In Place (MAP19)

Holy...wow. This is truly an atmospheric track. The melody and the bass beats are what completely make this track worth listening to. It feels like several Doom track titles were considered for making the SOUND of this track worth it. It just oozes of atmosphere. NME isn't the most atmospheric level, but again, who cares. Lippeth hit it out of the park with this one.

1. Stealth Mode (MAP22)

But Jimmy takes gold medal here, with the proper opening riff, lead-in to the main melody, all to keep the Doom sound going. Giving in well to all sorts of multiple things to sense, mystery, misery, action, atmosphere, it all fits so well. This track also got mileage in the ever-timeless Valiant, and perhaps at least one other set which name escapes me. But bravo Stealth Mode, a fantastic track that befits all the great aspects. Funnily enough, it got inspiration from AimShootKill, and you can sort of hear it, but Jimmy of course goes beyond that.

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