Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A look back at: Deep Dungeon 4

One major thing about all these fan-translated RPGs I have been playing over the past few months is just how accurate they are and if they have caused some serious issues with the gameplay or perhaps what I'm supposed to be doing. And Deep Dungeon 4 is a perfect example of something that went wrong with the translation. Basically, don't play Dragoon's translation because you'll never finish the game. In other words, many items and places are misnamed, as are menu things, and well a lot of other stuff really. (Hero) goes on, and Watch out! among other terrible battle lines. But most importantly, you do have to go to some mountains, and then when you actually try to enter them you basically go to this "Gear" dungeon before the game freezes.

Instead, if you decide to try this out, it's KingMike's translation you're looking for. It's fairly accurate and beatable although it is a Deep Dungeon game so expect some potential difficulty. It's actually tamer than the crap I dealt with in 3, thank god, although it does certainly get hard. The fetch quests are meh overall, the areas you go to are actually quite small. The other party members really do arrive late, which is a problem as there are gonna be tough enemies before you find the first one. Thanks to the readme in the translation some lines were cleared as to what items and spells do. The final boss is exceptionally unfair with a multi-target instakill spell and numerous ways to cripple characters.

It's perhaps the most refined of the Deep Dungeon games, although it deals less with dungeons and more with basically other locales that are NOT dungeons. There's bits of nonlinear-ness and sidequests, although the biggest issue of missing often remains. This whole series is certainly not worth it on the whole though.

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