Friday, February 14, 2020

A look back at: Silva Saga

Yikes, I'm on a role this Valentines day with two posts in a row. After just finishing the second game in Silva Saga, just titled Silva Saga, what do I look back on? Well, let's see here.

I look back on just how easy this game was. For an NES RPG, that's astounding. For an NES RPG that feels very Dragon Quest-y, its easiness is quite a shock.
I look back at just how linear this game was. Compared to the last game, which was linear but had lots of fetching back and forth between revisited locations, this one was extremely linear, just get a clue from an NPC, do a thing in a dungeon, bam, you're moving on.
I look back at how lame the enemies were, and the lack of challenge in them. Also the level ups and money weren't a problem. The only real problem combat-wise is figuring out if spells will ever be effective against some enemies, which I always hate when there's no effect to using the best spells.
I look back at the weirdness of watching either my fighter or mage party member swap with someone who basically inherits all the stats of the previous. What's the real point? I guess it's a tad cooler than having a party member that sticks with you since the beginning of the game, having a different guy every time. Problem is, character development doesn't really happen in these cases.
I look back at the lack of a plot besides "defeat evil" and the mini plots which are just fetch quests, and how easy they were in comparison to the last game.

Yeah, this is probably a game I don't want to look back to again, although it's because the stuff I look back on doesn't really spark any interest. This game really could have been a good sequel, and it ended up being easy.

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