Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A look back at: Tenchi Muyo! Game Hen

Sometimes, I wonder why I play the games I play. And this one certainly is no different, as I'm completely unfamiliar with this particular anime and I'm unsure on how this correlates to the game itself.

Gotta say though, I wasn't entirely pleased. It's a Final Fantasy Tactics clone, but it only has the basic parts. The interface is clunky and not too well made, and the enemies always attack you, in other words, the game completely lacks variety other than attacking, buffing, and healing, no status effects or anything too advanced. Perhaps being able to customize who gets to go is interesting, especially with the unique sets of characters. Yeah, using characters that can only move one space per turn is gonna be harder to maintain than using a character that has multiple spaces of movement. And then you factor in characters that can transform and have better abilities, plus a level cap of 8, meaning yeah, there's quite a bit of training to do, although it may or may not be all that necessary given that this game was pretty short, something I'm actually thankful for.

Perhaps what I was most annoyed with in this game was the enemy AI. They tend to get more turns than I do, plus they always move into positions that are disadvantageous for some of my slower characters. To compound this further, they always gang up on the person that is first in my character slot. Although it allows for strategizing the most defensive characters there, the fact that they usually gangbang one character is still annoying. Also the reinforcements tend to show up if you take too long, further prolonging things for battle-weary characters. And speaking of which, yeah, trying to level characters here basically involves specific characters killing enemies. Easy for some, hard for others.

And again, not much in story for this game overall, maybe if I knew more about these characters, I would enjoy this game more. Well, there's at least one original character, but the plot devolves into basic kidnapping of girls and rescuing them from villain, and also finding out villain behind villain and defeating her. Yeah, it's pretty rote.

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